Treatment Centers by City
- St. Louis
- Kansas City
- Springfield
- Columbia
- Joplin
- Poplar Bluff
- Cape Girardeau
- Jefferson City
- St. Joseph
- St. Charles
- Farmington
- Independence
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- Warrensburg
- West Plains
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- Union
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- Rolla
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- Camdenton
- Cuba
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- Hannibal
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- Lebanon
- Liberty
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- Monett
- Neosho
- Perryville
- Salem
- Troy
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- Arnold
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- Brookfield
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- Carthage
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- Hayti
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- Lexington
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- Marshfield
- Mexico
- Milan
- Nixa
- O Fallon
- Odessa
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- Raymore
- Sedalia
- St. Peters
- Trenton
- Warsaw
- Windsor
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- Ballwin
- Bethany
- Bloomfield
- Bowling Green
- Canton
- Chesterfield
- Chillicothe
- Dexter
- Doniphan
- Fenton
- Greenville
- Hazelwood
- Hollister
- Houston
- Kahoka
- Kingdom City
- Laredo
- Linn Creek
- Macon
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- Mount Vernon
- Mountain Grove
- New London
- Osceola
- Pilot Knob
- Potosi
- Reeds Spring
- Richmond
- Rogersville
- Seymour
- Smithville
- St. James
- Sullivan
- Van Buren
- Warrenton
- Washington
- Childrens Home Society
- Childrens Home Society
is located at 1167 Corporate Lake Drive St. Louis, MO. 63132 and can be contacted by calling 314-968-2350. Childrens Home Society offers treatment services for Prescription Drug Abuse, Illicit Drug Addiction and Alcoholism
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Outpatient Alcohol Treatment
Payment Options: Self Pay, Sliding-Scale Fee
- Contact Us
- According to a study that was conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, heavy drinking by college students is prevalent and, among some students, quite frequent; more than 80% of college students reported consuming alcohol in the past year, with more than 40% reporting at least one episode of binge drinking in the previous 2 weeks.
- When a person is an alcoholic vitamins will not be absorbed properly, which can lead to a deficiency of nutrients if alcohol use continues. Liver disease may develop and can lead to cirrhosis.
- Chronic alcoholics who don�''t feel drunk even after consuming large amounts of alcohol in short periods of time are at risk for alcohol poisoning
- When an individual has been binge drinking, a withdrawal syndrome can take place that includes symptoms such as an upset stomach, insomnia, headache, and an electrolyte balance, which can make a person feel sick.
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