Treatment Centers by City
- St. Louis
- Kansas City
- Springfield
- Columbia
- Joplin
- Poplar Bluff
- Cape Girardeau
- Jefferson City
- St. Joseph
- St. Charles
- Farmington
- Independence
- Kennett
- Warrensburg
- West Plains
- Fulton
- Marshall
- Nevada
- Union
- Waynesville
- Bolivar
- Florissant
- Harrisonville
- Lees Summit
- Moberly
- Owensville
- Rolla
- Sikeston
- Boonville
- Branson
- Butler
- Camdenton
- Cuba
- El Dorado Springs
- Hannibal
- Kirksville
- Lebanon
- Liberty
- Maryville
- Monett
- Neosho
- Perryville
- Salem
- Troy
- Wentzville
- Arnold
- Bridgeton
- Brookfield
- Cameron
- Carrollton
- Carthage
- Clinton
- Eldon
- Festus
- Fredericktown
- Hayti
- High Ridge
- Hillsboro
- Lexington
- Marble Hill
- Marshfield
- Mexico
- Milan
- Nixa
- O Fallon
- Odessa
- Piedmont
- Raymore
- Sedalia
- St. Peters
- Trenton
- Warsaw
- Windsor
- Aurora
- Ballwin
- Bethany
- Bloomfield
- Bowling Green
- Canton
- Chesterfield
- Chillicothe
- Dexter
- Doniphan
- Fenton
- Greenville
- Hazelwood
- Hollister
- Houston
- Kahoka
- Kingdom City
- Laredo
- Linn Creek
- Macon
- Montgomery City
- Mount Vernon
- Mountain Grove
- New London
- Osceola
- Pilot Knob
- Potosi
- Reeds Spring
- Richmond
- Rogersville
- Seymour
- Smithville
- St. James
- Sullivan
- Van Buren
- Warrenton
- Washington
- Ozanam
- Ozanam
is located at 421 East 137th Street Kansas City, MO. 64145 and can be contacted by calling 816-508-3600. Ozanam offers treatment services for Illicit Drug Addiction, Alcoholism and Prescription Drug Abuse
Treatment Services Offered: Mental Balance Treatment Services, Dual Diagnosis
Payment Options: Payment Assistance Through Medicaid, Insurance - Private Pay, Self Pay
- Contact Us
- Increased drinking increases your tolerance, requiring more alcohol to cause the same previous effect. The type and concentration of the alcohol that is consumed can affect the rate of intoxication and metabolism.
- High school students who consume alcohol are twice as likely to have seriously considered attempting suicide, as compared to nondrinkers.
- Binge drinking rates of college students correlate with the binge drinking rates of adults residing in the same state.
- Alcoholism is also often referred to as "alcohol dependence"; both are conditions that include alcohol cravings and continued drinking despite repeated problems related to this behavior, such as losing a job, domestic problems, or getting into trouble with the law.
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